
How to Install Bluestacks on PC/Mac?

Being an Android phone user comes with many perks, including access to all the premium features of the mod version of any app. However, PC and Mac users can also access those features but for this, they’ll have to make their computer act like an Android. That is where the Bluestacks emulator comes into the picture.

In this blog, I will walk you through the step-by-step guide on how to install Bluestacks on PC and Mac. So, let’s dive right into it!

How to Install Bluestacks on a PC?

Here is how you can download Bluestacks on your PC to use different Android apps like Remini and many more. 

  • Go to your internet browser and type “Bluestacks” in the search bar
  • Now go to the official website of Bluestacks.
Bluestacks main website with purple arrow pointing downwards to download bluestacks button
  • Download Bluestacks based on your Operating System.
  • Click on the .exe/.dmg file of Bluestacks and follow the instructions to install it on your PC.
How to install bluestacks in PC step 4
  • Once the installation process is complete, add your Gmail account, or you can always add it later.
  • Open the Bluestacks emulator on your PC and go to the pre-installed Play Store.
A screen with multiple apps and a purple arrow pointing towards playstore icon
  • Download the apps you want to use!

How to Install Bluestacks on Mac?

Downloading Bluestacks on a Mac is almost similar to downloading it on a PC. Just follow the steps below:

  • Open your browser and search Bluestacks.
  • Click on the main website of Bluestacks.
  • You can change the language by clicking the option at the top of the screen.
  • Now click on “Download Bluestacks” and wait for a while (the time it takes to download may vary based on your internet speed.)
  • After the Bluestacks installer is downloaded, click on the file.
  • A small window will pop up. Double-click on the Bluestacks Installer icon.
Bluestacks installer pop-up with purple arrow pointing towards bluestacks icon
  • You will be asked if you want to download this app; simply click “Open.”
  • Another pop-up window will appear. Now click on “Install now.”
a window screen with with purple arrow pointing downwards to install now button
  • Provide your Mac operating system password.
mac install helper with purple arrow pointing towards a pop-up asking for mac system password
  • A notification will appear on the screen that the system extension has been blocked. There’s no need to worry. Go to “Security Preferences” and click “Allow,” which will allow your system to download Bluestacks.
mac app center asking permission to install new app.
  • The loading process will start once again.
  • Once done, select your Language and click on “Let’s Go.”
  • Sign in with your Gmail account.
  • Now you have installed Bluestacks. This comes with a pre-installed Playstore and Google Chrome.
  • Download your desired app from the Play Store.
How to install bluestacks in PC step 6

You have successfully downloaded Buestacks on your PC and Mac. Whether you want to play games or edit photos, you can get any Android app with this emulator.


Yes, it is safe to use BlueStacks to emulate Android apps on your PC.

You cannot install BlueStacks if your Mac computer is any of the following;

  1. Version older than 2014
  2. macOS 14 Sonoma
  3. macOS 12 Monterey
  4. Has M1, M2, and M3 chips